Facing Dismissal from Vincennes University

In April of 2024, the Department of Education approved New Title IX rules, which are scheduled to take effect on August 1, 2024. Our firm is closely monitoring ongoing challenges to these new rules in court, and is working hard to provide you the most up-to-date information. Click here to learn about the current state of Title IX and how we can help if you are facing accusations.

If you're facing dismissal from Vincennes University, you need to know you can't handle the situation yourself. Procedures can be complex and difficult to navigate, and there's simply too much at stake. Dismissal doesn't just mean dismissal. VU will describe the nature of your offense on your transcript, and that will almost certainly prevent you from getting into another school.

The good news is that you don't have to handle the situation alone. The Lento Law Firm's Student Defense Team is committed to getting students the justice they deserve. We know your rights as a VU student, and we're familiar with the university's administrative and judicial processes. We're always on your side and ready to fight to ensure you're treated fairly.

What can we do for you? Call 888-535-3686 to find out, or take a few minutes right now and fill out our online form.

Reasons for Dismissal from Vincennes University

Let's start with the basics. Just what is it that can get you dismissed from VU? It turns out that's a long list. Most of the items on that list, though, can be grouped into four simple categories.

  • Academic Standing: Of course, as you would expect, the university requires you to meet high academic standards. The standing policy requires all students to maintain no less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Anything less than that number means probation, and if you continue to struggle while on probation, you can also be dismissed.
  • Academic Misconduct: The second category of serious offenses at VU is academic misconduct. This includes cheating, plagiarism, and any other form of classroom dishonesty. First offenses are usually punished with lowered grades. However, should you wind up accused a second time, dismissal is a possibility.
  • Disciplinary Misconduct: You're also subject to VU's Student Code of Conduct. Here, you'll find rules against things like theft, underage drinking, and disorderly conduct. Any violation can result in dismissal. Some, such as hazing and weapons possession, almost always lead to dismissal.
  • Sexual Misconduct: This is another offense that is almost always punished with dismissal. Sexual misconduct is governed by federal law under Title IX, and schools are required to investigate all credible complaints.

Misconduct Defenses

What happens once you're accused of an offense? If you're facing misconduct charges, VU will undertake an investigation and a hearing. While no one wants to have to defend themselves, these processes are actually to your benefit. They're part of your due process rights, and they protect you from being dismissed simply because someone alleges misconduct.

Here's what you need to know.

  • First, anyone can accuse you of misconduct—instructors, administrators, staff, students, and other university employees. Most cases are under the purview of the Dean of Students. However, Title IX sexual misconduct is handled by the Title IX Coordinator.
  • No matter what the charges, you are entitled to Notice of those charges. Notice should include the name of the Complainant (your accuser, if there is one) and details about the allegation. In addition, it should include a list of your due process rights, such as your right to review all evidence in the case.
  • Importantly, VU gives you the right to bring an advisor with you to hearings. This advisor can be an attorney, which means someone from the Lento Law Firm can be on hand to help you respond to questions and present your case.
  • You can expect an investigation. As part of this investigation, you should have the opportunity to give your side of the story. In addition, investigators interview witnesses and collect physical evidence.
  • Investigators are tasked with compiling their findings into a summary document. This becomes the foundation of the hearing that follows. Once it is submitted, the university sets a time and date for that hearing and appoints one or more decision-makers to preside over it.
  • The hearing is your chance to make your full case. You can, for example, introduce evidence and call witnesses to testify. Of course, the other side has this same opportunity.
  • At the conclusion of the hearing, decision-makers deliberate as to your level of Responsibility (guilt). In doing this, they use a legal standard known as "preponderance of the evidence." Less strict than "beyond a reasonable doubt," it allows them to find you Responsible if they are more than fifty percent convinced you committed an offense.
  • If you lose your case, you can appeal the hearing outcome. However, grounds for appeal are limited to the violation of your due process rights, the discovery of new evidence, and a sanction that doesn't fit the offense.

These basic procedures are used in all misconduct cases at VU. They're designed to protect you and ensure justice is done. You should know, however, that cases can differ in small but significant ways depending on the nature of the charges. For instance, Title IX hearing rules require that advisors conduct all cross-examination. In other types of cases, decision-makers ask the questions.

These differences can make navigating the process even more difficult. If you have the Lento Law Firm attorney on your side, though, you can be sure they're familiar with VU's entire judicial system. They'll help guide you through the investigation and hearing and make sure you're treated fairly at every step along the way.

Academic Dismissal Cases

There are ways to defend yourself from academic dismissal, but the process is significantly different from misconduct processes. There's no investigation, for example, and no need for a hearing. Decisions are based almost entirely on your GPA, and that isn't normally subject to debate.

What you need in these cases are some strategies to help you raise questions about the system itself. Luckily, the attorneys at the Lento Law Firm know all the ways to keep your GPA up and protect your academic career. For example,

  • Extenuating circumstances can be grounds for avoiding dismissal. If you've been dealing with a family emergency or suffering a bout of depression, you should bring this to the attention of your college dean.
  • Learning disabilities often entitle students to special course accommodations. If you should discover you have such a disability, you can petition the university to drop low grades from your transcript and allow you to retake those courses without penalty.
  • One of the simplest ways to improve your grades is to ask instructors for extra credit or makeup assignments. Not every instructor offers this kind of work, but if they do, an extra lab assignment or a paper rewrite could be all you need to raise your GPA.

Fighting for Your Future

By this point, it should be abundantly clear why trying to defend yourself from dismissal is always a dangerous proposition. It's no easy task taking on a university, and the stakes are incredibly high. Luckily, you don't have to go it alone. The Lento Law Firm was built to help students. Our Student Defense Team can also be fierce when it comes to protecting our clients, and we're not afraid of faculty and administrators.

Let us help you fight for your academic future. To find out more, contact the firm today at 888-535-3686. Or, fill out our online questionnaire.

Contact Us Today!

If you, or your student, are facing any kind of disciplinary action, or other negative academic sanction, and are having feelings of uncertainty and anxiety for what the future may hold, contact the Lento Law Firm today, and let us help secure your academic career.

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