Dyslexia and Student Discipline Defense

Discipline Risks Dyslexic Students Face 

Dyslexic students face greater school risks than other students. Surprising as it may seem, dyslexia has subtle but damaging ways in which it contributes to student misconduct charges. Students with dyslexia, and their parents and guardians, might mistakenly assume that dyslexia simply presents learning issues, creating academic challenges for those students. But dyslexia can do much more harm to a student's education than simply making it harder for the student to learn. Dyslexia can be a causative, contributing, or complicating factor for all kinds of student misconduct charges. Dyslexia can certainly contribute to poor or failing grades and failure to make satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Yet dyslexia can lead not only to poor or failing grades and failure to progress academically but also to cheating allegations and allegations of behavioral misconduct. Any one of these issues or a combination of them can lead to student discipline, from warnings and reprimands right up to suspension and expulsion. It shouldn't be so, but dyslexic students face greater school discipline risks. 

Discipline Defense Help for Dyslexic Students 

Fortunately, though, dyslexic students can get help with unfair discipline and misconduct charges. A skilled and experienced student discipline defense attorney can aggressively and strategically invoke discipline procedures available at every school at every level. Your retained discipline defense attorney can show school officials that the charges are false and due instead to the dyslexic student's reasonable accommodations, that dyslexia is a contributing cause requiring accommodation, not discipline, or that dyslexia is an exonerating or mitigating factor. Dyslexic students also have disability accommodation rights that, with the right attorney advocacy, can protect them from false and unfair student misconduct charges. If you are a dyslexic student or a parent or guardian of a dyslexic student facing school expulsion, suspension, or other disciplinary action, retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento and the Lento Law Firm's student defense team. Get the skilled and experienced representation you need to preserve the dyslexic student's education. Don't let insensitive or uninformed school officials ruin the dyslexic student's education. Aggressive and effective discipline defense help is available for dyslexic students. 

Understanding Dyslexia 

School officials at every level, from high school through college and into graduate or professional school, can misunderstand dyslexia and its effects. Even students who suffer from dyslexia, and their parents and guardians, can misunderstand the condition and how it impacts learning and misconduct charges. The Mayo Clinic calls dyslexia a reading disorder having to do with the student's ability to relate speech patterns to words and letters. Dyslexia involves the part of the brain that encodes and decodes symbols into language. Dyslexia is a reading disability. Dyslexia interferes with reading, both silent and aloud. Dyslexia slows and confuses a student's reading, where reading efficiently and effectively is a critical skill, indeed the critical skill to learning at all levels. Depending on the severity and extent of the condition and the dyslexic student's other abilities, supports, and resources, the dyslexic student may either read so slowly or read so inefficiently and inaccurately as to be unable without accommodation to complete the school program. Instructors, officials, and student peers may mistakenly assume that the dyslexic student is not trying, not sufficiently disciplined, not interested, or just not sufficiently smart or academically prepared or capable, when, onto the contrary, the student has every appropriate ambition and skill but just needs disability accommodations. While dyslexia has to do with reading skills, the related dysgraphia has to do with writing skills and related dyscalculia  with math skills.  

Respecting Dyslexia Accommodations 

Fortunately, the clinical psychologists who examine and treat dyslexics, and the reading and learning experts who help dyslexics adjust to and overcome their reading disability, have helped school officials develop a range of effective accommodations for dyslexia. As the International Dyslexia Association confirms, accommodations don't excuse a dyslexic student's substandard performance. Instead, accommodations have the purpose and effect of bringing the dyslexic student's educational performance up to institutional standards. Accommodations simply modify the conditions for student performance to account for dyslexia. Accommodations don't tilt the playing field unfairly. They instead level the playing field for the dyslexic student. Not all school officials understand dyslexia accommodations. Uninformed school officials can have bad attitudes about accommodations. Educating insensitive, uninformed, and misguided school disciplinary officials is a key role for the dyslexic student's advocate. The defense attorney you retain to challenge, guide, and correct school discipline officials must understand and be able to aggressively and effectively advocate for dyslexia accommodations. Retain national student discipline defense attorney Joseph D. Lento and the Lento Law Firm's student defense team for skilled, experienced, and winning student discipline defense representation. 

Types of Dyslexia Accommodations 

The Mayo Clinic says that dyslexia has no cure. Dyslexia is not a condition that a student can eliminate with surgery, radiation, medication, or other treatment. But accommodations can, in many cases, reduce or effectively eliminate the learning impacts of dyslexia. Dyslexic students do persist and succeed through the most rigorous of educational programs, when they get the necessary accommodations. With appropriate accommodations, dyslexics can do much more than just learn to read. The International Dyslexia Association points to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, inventor Thomas Edison, author F. Scott Fitzgerald, and financier Charles Schwab as examples of famously successful individuals who overcame dyslexia. The Mayo Clinic identifies tutoring, special services, and emotional support as three general categories of dyslexia accommodations. But accommodations can vary markedly as a dyslexic student progresses from lower to higher education levels. Initial support in elementary and secondary schools may focus on tutoring and special services, while accommodations in college and graduate schools may focus on readers, time allowances, and sensory modifications. Yet, according to the International Dyslexia Association, any of the following accommodations may be appropriate at any level, depending on the student's condition and conditions and requirements of the school program: 

  • Presentation accommodations for instruction like verbal rather than written instructions, repetition of instructions, instructions in audio format, larger print, fewer items per page, visual prompts or cues, highlighted text, alternative answer sheets, and information in songs or poems, and for assessment like calculators, speech-to-text software, text-to-speech software, electronic dictionaries, spell checkers, and grammar checkers; 
  • Response accommodations like marking answers in the test book instead of on a separate answer sheet, dictating to a scribe or recording oral responses on an audio recorder, recording oral responses using a scribe pen, pointing to response choices, and typing keyboard responses rather than writing; 
  • Setting accommodations like individual or small group work, reducing visual and auditory distractions with a separate desk or location within the classroom, distraction-free settings in a separate room, and alternative furniture arrangementssuch as facing the front for whole group lessons versus a block of tables for small group work; and 
  • Timing or scheduling accommodations like flexible scheduling, several sessions versus one session, extended time sessions, allowing for more frequent breaks, and changing the order of tasks or subtests. 

Discovering Dyslexia 

Don't be too surprised: some students do not discover their dyslexia until they are in graduate or professional school. Dyslexic students can be masters at managing their disability. Indeed, they've known nothing else than their dyslexic condition. As the International Dyslexia Association shares, without help or accommodations, dyslexics can often learn how to organize studies and adopt study strategies for success. What a skilled diagnostician would recognize as dyslexia, the dyslexic student may simply assume is any student's normal challenge of reading for comprehension and writing for understanding. Yet education is generally progressively more difficult at each higher level. The dyslexic student may do fine in high school but meet the student's match in college. Or the dyslexic student may do fine in college but meet the student's match in graduate or professional school. Time and again, students who did fine at lower levels discover from their struggles at higher levels that they've always had dyslexia. The student who faces disciplinary proceedings that the student or student's parent suspects has something to do with the student's undiagnosed dyslexia or other disability should get a learning disability professional's prompt examination. Find out what's going on. Your school troubles may have something to do with undiagnosed dyslexia. A dyslexia diagnosis could mean all the difference to the outcome of a disciplinary proceeding. The Mayo Clinic says to watch for these signs of undiagnosed dyslexia in teens and adults, and to consult : 

  • Difficulty reading silently; 
  • Difficulty reading aloud; 
  • Slow and labor-intensive reading and writing; 
  • Problems spelling; 
  • Avoiding activities that involve reading; 
  • Mispronouncing names or words; 
  • Problems retrieving words; 
  • Trouble understanding idioms, jokes, or other anomalous expressions; 
  • Spending an unusually long time completing reading or writing; 
  • Difficulty summarizing readings; 
  • Trouble learning new terms; 
  • Trouble learning foreign terms or foreign language; 
  • Difficulty memorizing; and  
  • Difficulty doing math problems. 

Diagnosing Dyslexia 

If you or your student face disciplinary proceedings that you feel may in some way be related to undiagnosed dyslexia, get prompt evaluation and diagnosis from a qualified educational psychologist. The Cleveland Clinic reports that diagnosing dyslexia isn't as simple as a blood test or imaging scan. An educational psychologist must instead carefully evaluate outward signs, drawn from interviews gathering information about personal and school experiences and from testing administered in the diagnostician's office. The International Dyslexia Association indicates that tests for dyslexia may include IQ testing, reading and reading comprehension testing, and testing in oral language skills, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, decoding, fluency, and phonological processing. Don't attempt to self-diagnose. Testing and diagnosis by a qualified educational psychologist will often be necessary for disability accommodations and for student discipline defense. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to assist you with identifying the qualified professional to make a dyslexia diagnosis and the reports necessary to use that diagnosis effectively in your student disciplinary proceeding. 

Disclosing Dyslexia 

Once you or your student confirms a dyslexia diagnosis is interfering with school studies, the question becomes whether and how to disclose that diagnosis to school officials or others in the school community. Students with reading or other learning disabilities can be rightly sensitive to the embarrassment and isolation that disability disclosures can cause, as one disabilities advocacy organization documents. Dyslexic students may prefer not to tell anyone about their dyslexia. Yet disclosure, at least to school accommodations officials, is generally wise. Indeed, the dyslexic student must disclose the disability to school accommodations officials to obtain appropriate accommodations. Disclosure to the involved instructor may or may not be necessary or wise. School accommodations officials can help the dyslexic student make that decision. The dyslexic student and the student's parents or guardians should generally be strategic about disclosure. Disclosure to student peers may less often be necessary or appropriate, although disclosure to student peers at higher education levels may provide the dyslexic student with substantial emotional or other support, where students are generally more mature. National student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento can help the dyslexic student decide strategically to whom to disclose the dyslexia diagnosis and how to use that disclosure to best effect in the school disciplinary proceeding. 

Federal Education Laws Requiring Dyslexia Accommodation 

The Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights confirms the legal obligations of schools to accommodate dyslexic students and students with other disabilities. Schools at all levels, from high school through college to graduate and professional schools, must offer dyslexic students reasonable accommodations to give them equal access to education. As the Office of Civil Rights summarizes, the school's obligation to accommodate the dyslexic student arises under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and related federal laws. Those laws are complex, raising complex questions of how and when they apply. But school officials generally know well the basic right of a dyslexic student to gain dyslexia accommodations. Your challenge as a dyslexic student or parent or guardian of a dyslexic student is instead to ensure that school officials fully meet their accommodation obligations, especially in a school disciplinary proceeding to which the student's dyslexia contributed. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento for the aggressive and effective representation you need to gain the full benefit of those legal rights. 

Requesting Dyslexia Accommodations 

To obtain school accommodations for dyslexia, the dyslexic student must generally notify the school's disability accommodations officials, request accommodations, and provide the necessary supporting documentation. Schools certainly have the above legal obligations to accommodate dyslexic students. But in general, schools owe those obligations only when having reasonable notice of the student's dyslexia and need for dyslexia accommodations. The federal laws protecting the rights of the disabled student generally require the student to invoke those rights. If the student does not request accommodations, schools will generally not force accommodations on the student. You must generally ask for accommodations to get them. For example, a college board exam organization indicates that to obtain dyslexia accommodations on college board exams, the student “must make a request to College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)—even if they have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), a 504 plan, or already receive those accommodations for school or state tests.” Schools at all levels may offer support for dyslexic students. The University of Michigan is an example, providing a web page and list of resources for dyslexic students. But investigating support services may not trigger the school's obligation to provide accommodations. You may instead need to make a specific request for accommodations to the right accommodations official while submitting the right supporting diagnosis and other documentation. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento if you face a disciplinary proceeding relating to your school's failure or refusal to supply requested accommodations. 

The Value of Early Dyslexia Accommodations 

Confirming the dyslexia diagnosis early, and establishing dyslexia accommodations early, can certainly help avoid student failure to progress and student misconduct issues. But getting an early diagnosis and early accommodations can also help to gain accommodations more easily at higher education levels. Indeed, school disability accommodations can help the graduate gain accommodations on post-graduate licensing exams. The dyslexic student may not even badly need accommodations early in the student's education. The student may be able to struggle through at lower education levels. But ignoring dyslexia early can make it harder to prove the dyslexia and the need for accommodations later. Better by far to investigate suspected dyslexia or other disability, and get appropriate accommodations for the dyslexia or other disabilities, before facing academic or behavioral misconduct proceedings. But if you or your student do face such proceedings with dyslexia as a contributing cause, then retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to help you defend and defeat unfair proceedings that fail to take account of the dyslexia disability. 

Understanding Dyslexia's Impact on Student Discipline 

Dyslexia can lead to poor or failing grades, failure to academically progress, and even to cheating allegations and allegations of behavioral misconduct. How, though, does dyslexia affect student discipline on these and other bases? As one advocacy organization for student disability rights admits, students with disabilities must generally comply with the same academic and conduct rules with which other students must comply. Dyslexia or other student disability isn't an excuse to break the school's rules. Yet the same advocacy organization confirms that schools can have the legal obligation under the above federal disability laws to help students whose disabilities contribute to rules violations. Indeed, the good news is that the disability laws generally require schools to recognize when a disability is causing or contributing to the violation, and to accommodate the disability to prevent, reduce, or mitigate the violation. Those protections are why you should retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento if you face or your student faces academic or behavioral discipline. Don't let dyslexia defeat education. Equal access to education is the dyslexic student's right, even when the issue involves student discipline. 

Dyslexia's Impact at Different Education Levels 

Whether the question involves poor or failing grades, unsatisfactory academic progress, cheating charges, or behavioral misconduct charges, dyslexia can have different impacts at different education levels. Consider how those differences arise and manifest at each of these different levels. 

Dyslexia and High School Misconduct 

Dyslexia affects high school student misconduct charges. High school may be the first time that the dyslexic student's reading disability seriously affects the student's academic performance. A dyslexic student's lower academic performance, despite greater effort than other students, can lead other students to bully and ostracize the dyslexic student as if the dyslexic student just wasn't smart. Dyslexia in high school can contribute not only to lower grades and failing grades but also to social and behavioral disruptions. The dyslexic student who feels those social pressures may respond inappropriately with compensatory misbehaviors, acting out what they are not mature or informed enough to communicate to teachers, student peers, and other school officials. The troubled teen may simply be the teen with dyslexia, not the teen who has bad character or inattentive parents. But dyslexic high school students get kicked out of school not just for failing grades but also for social and behavioral problems. Your dyslexic high school student may need the astute services of a skilled and experienced defense attorney to prove to school officials how your student's dyslexia is contributing to social and behavioral problems, not just academic problems. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to help your high school student discover and prove the role of dyslexia in your student's discipline issues, and receive due accommodations for that disability. 

Dyslexia and College Misconduct 

Dyslexia also affects college and university student misconduct charges. Dyslexic college and university students may be less likely to need direct tutoring and special services to overcome their dyslexia. After all, they've already graduated from high school, managing their dyslexia. But dyslexic college and university students can face far greater academic demands than the demands they met in high school. College is harder than high school. For the dyslexic college student, especially the student working without disability accommodations, those greater academic demands can lead the student to overwork without due reward, leading to frustration, discouragement, and depression. Falling behind despite greater-than-ever effort can also tempt the dyslexic college student into cheating, substance abuse, and absences. Dyslexic college students who rightly gain accommodations can also face cheating charges from instructors and other students who do not recognize and respect the accommodations. If you face discipline in your college or university program relating to your dyslexia, retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to defend and defeat those charges. 

Dyslexia and Graduate or Professional School Misconduct 

Dyslexia also affects graduate and professional school misconduct charges. Graduate students and students in professional programs must make the grade, maintaining satisfactory academic progress. Dyslexia can certainly contribute to poor or failing grades and unsatisfactory progress. But grades may not be the graduate or professional student's primary problem. Professionalism and professional character and conduct become increasingly important at higher education levels. Dyslexia can make it appear that the graduate or professional student doesn't care about or isn't fully committed to studies, when the contrary may be the case. The dyslexic graduate student may be working harder and may be more committed than other students. But incomplete academic, research, and clinical work due to dyslexia's interference can look instead like unprofessional neglect. The stress a dyslexic student endures trying to keep up can also induce depression, substance abuse, absences, or other erratic behavior, leading to professionalism charges. If you face graduate or professional school discipline related to your dyslexia, retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to defend and defeat those charges.  

Retaining the Right Student Defense Attorney 

The dyslexic student who faces disciplinary charges needs an especially skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced student defense attorney. You can see from the above discussion that dyslexia has subtle ways of bringing about and influencing the disposition of disciplinary charges. It's a bit like fighting a battle with a hidden enemy. To fight that battle, you need a student defense attorney who understands the hidden enemy. You also need a student defense attorney who understands school officials and disciplinary procedures. A local criminal defense attorney who lacks that knowledge and experience won't do. When you retain national student defense attorney Joseph Lento, you get the experience of a winning attorney representative who has successfully defended hundreds of students nationwide. Here are some of the services with which attorney Lento and the Lento Law Firm student defense team can help the dyslexic student. 

Dyslexia and Grade Appeals 

Poor or failing grades can doom an education. The dyslexic student who gets poor or failing grades at any level runs the risk of failing to progress and graduate. And often, the failure to progress comes down to a single grade or a couple or few grades. Grades are also not always accurate. They can instead reflect a teacher's bias, error, or misunderstanding. Dyslexia, being the hidden condition that it is, can contribute to a teacher's misunderstanding, error, or bias. Yet schools at all levels generally provide some form of grade appeal. If you get a poor or failing grade you did not deserve, and your grade should be passing or higher, a grade appeal can change the grade, thereby putting you back in good academic standing. These grade appeal procedures at this high school military academy, for undergraduates at Virginia Tech University, and for graduate students in Wayne State University's School of Business are examples. National student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento is available to assist the dyslexic student with a grade appeal, including proving dyslexia's role and the need for its accommodation. Attorney Lento may also draw the school's accommodations officials into the grade appeal process for special relief that the grade appeal process alone could not have provided. 

Dyslexia and Satisfactory Academic Progress 

Schools generally maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements under which they can dismiss students who fail to maintain a high enough grade point average, fail to complete enough of the credits attempted, or don't attempt and complete enough courses within the program's overall duration. Federal SAP regulations apply to colleges and universities that receive federal funding, requiring those schools to adopt and enforce SAP policies. Schools must, at some point, dismiss the repeatedly failing student. Dyslexia can cause or contribute to low or failing grades, course repeats, and course withdrawals that lead to SAP problems. If you are a dyslexic student struggling to maintain an adequate GPA and complete your courses, you may have already received your school's SAP warning. You may face dismissal or even have already suffered dismissal. Yet SAP policies, like the policy at the University of Connecticut, typically offer SAP appeals when the student facing SAP dismissal can prove extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances could include an undiagnosed, unaddressed, and unaccommodated dyslexia reading disability. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to help you with an SAP appeal showing how your school's accommodation of your dyslexia would restore your good academic standing. SAP appeals typically require substantial documentation and proof of an achievable academic plan. Get the help you need for a successful SAP appeal. 

Dyslexia and the Temptation to Cheat 

Schools at all levels, especially in college and beyond in graduate or professional school, maintain academic integrity policies that prohibit cheating. The University of Arizona's academic integrity policy is an example. Cheating at the University of Arizona or any other college or university can get you kicked out of school. Dyslexia can put a student under enormous study pressure. While other students charge ahead with their studies, taking less time to produce greater evidence of learning, the dyslexic student may have to labor arduously for every learning gain. A dyslexic student can easily grow frustrated and discouraged with falling behind other students despite the dyslexic's greater effort and discipline. Cheating may tempt dyslexic students who fall behind under circumstances that seem unfair. Dyslexic students are no less moral and no more prone to cheat. But dyslexic students face pressures and temptations that other students do not face that can lead to cheating. Dyslexia isn't an excuse to cheat. And it's not easy proving that cheating was due to a disability like dyslexia. But a skilled attorney advocate can show how dyslexia can be an extenuating circumstance and mitigating factor relative to cheating charges. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to help give appropriate context to cheating involving dyslexic students. Attorney Lento knows how to help school disciplinary officials shape appropriate relief from cheating charges when dyslexia, not cheating, is the real culprit. 

Dyslexia and the Appearance of Cheating 

Even when a dyslexic student does everything by the book, without any actual cheating, the dyslexic student's unorthodox but authorized study and exam methods and materials can contribute to the appearance of cheating and the filing of false or mistaken cheating charges. Disability accommodations officials may, for instance, have worked with the dyslexic student to arrange for additional exam time, readers for exams, transcription of exams, note-takers or sharing of student notes for classes, and similar accommodations. The dyslexic student and disability officials may also have decided not to disclose the student's disability status to instructors or other students. When those instructors and other students see the dyslexic student using study and exam methods and materials that other students must not use, misinformed allegations of cheating can result. Indeed, a disabilities advocacy organization documents how dyslexic students who are simply relying on authorized disability accommodations can often feel as if they are cheating. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to defend the dyslexic student who faces false or uninformed cheating charges. 

Dyslexia Accommodation in Student Discipline Proceedings 

Dyslexia can have another subtle effect that unduly challenges students. Sometimes, a student's dyslexia has not contributed to the disciplinary charges that a student faces. Those charges may be the result of circumstances entirely unrelated to the accused student's dyslexia. Yet the disciplinary proceeding itself may demand things of the dyslexic student that the student cannot do without reasonable accommodation. The outcome of a dyslexic student's disciplinary proceeding may depend on the student getting accommodations for the proceeding itself. Disciplinary proceedings can require students to read, comprehend, process, articulate, and report promptly and spontaneously, on their feet, so to speak, while under stressful and distracting circumstances. A dyslexic student could lose a disciplinary proceeding because of dyslexia's effects. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento if your school is not providing you with reasonable accommodations for your dyslexia within your disciplinary proceeding. Responsible school disciplinary officials should accommodate dyslexic students in the proceeding with appropriate measures such as: 

  • Flexible interview and hearing schedules of shorter and spaced duration; 
  • Oral rather than written presentation of allegations, charges, and evidence; 
  • Note-takers, recorders, or reporters for writings from oral presentations; 
  • The presence of advisors, counselors, and emotional support companions; 
  • Alternative hearing rooms and forums reducing stress and distraction; and 
  • Dyslexia explanation and training to investigators and decision-makers. 

Alternative Special Relief for the Dyslexic Student 

Because dyslexia can be a hidden, even undiagnosed, condition contributing to disciplinary charges, defending and defeating those charges can often be difficult when following the usual procedures for students who don't have a disability. Disciplinary officials don't always get it right, especially when the charges they investigate and decide involve a subtle issue like the impact of the accused student's dyslexia. Absolutely, if you face disciplinary charges related to your dyslexia, retain skilled and experienced student defense representation to prove to disciplinary officials that the charges are unjust. Invoke whatever usual hearings, and take whatever available appeals, necessary to win relief. But if you have already lost all hearings and appeals, don't give up. Your dyslexia may give you access to alternative special relief from your school's disability accommodation officials. Retain national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to contact and advocate with those disability offices and officials, even if you have already suffered suspension or dismissal. Special disability relief may be available to you. 

Alternative Special Relief Through Oversight Channels 

Disability offices are often not the only alternative channel available to the disabled student for special relief from discipline. Even if your school's disability accommodations officials have already reviewed and rejected your overtures and appeals, you may find alternative special relief from your school's oversight offices. High school districts, colleges, universities, and graduate schools typically have general counsel offices, outside retained counsel, ombuds offices, compliance offices, risk management offices, or similar oversight channels to ensure that the school does its best in all situations. For a school at any level, disability accommodations are an area fraught with litigation risk. National student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento has often worked with oversight officials to negotiate alternative relief for the student who can present special circumstances. Attorney Lento has the national network and reputation to work well with those oversight officials.  

Premier Student Defense Attorney Available 

Don't let dyslexia defeat your educational ambitions. Until you have retained and consulted a premier student defense attorney, you don't know the relief that may be available to you. Don't give up on your education until you have exhausted every available channel. Retain premier national student defense attorney Joseph D. Lento and the Lento Law Firm for an aggressive and effective defense of the dyslexic student facing disciplinary charges. Attorney Lento has successfully defended hundreds of students nationwide at all school levels, facing all kinds of academic and behavioral misconduct charges, including students whose charges related to or arose out of disabilities. Proving the role of dyslexia to defeat disciplinary charges isn't often easy. But with the right attorney representation, proof of your dyslexia and its role in your disciplinary charges can be your route to deserved relief. Trust attorney Lento and the Lento Law Firm student defense team for the skilled, knowledgeable, and aggressive defense needed to preserve the dyslexic student's education. Call 888-535-3686 for a consultation now, or use the online service. 

Contact Us Today!

If you, or your student, are facing any kind of disciplinary action, or other negative academic sanction, and are having feelings of uncertainty and anxiety for what the future may hold, contact the Lento Law Firm today, and let us help secure your academic career.

This website was created only for general information purposes. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice for any situation. Only a direct consultation with a licensed Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York attorney can provide you with formal legal counsel based on the unique details surrounding your situation. The pages on this website may contain links and contact information for third party organizations - the Lento Law Firm does not necessarily endorse these organizations nor the materials contained on their website. In Pennsylvania, Attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout Pennsylvania's 67 counties, including, but not limited to Philadelphia, Allegheny, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Schuylkill, and York County. In New Jersey, attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout New Jersey's 21 counties: Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren County, In New York, Attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout New York's 62 counties. Outside of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, unless attorney Joseph D. Lento is admitted pro hac vice if needed, his assistance may not constitute legal advice or the practice of law. The decision to hire an attorney in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania counties, New Jersey, New York, or nationwide should not be made solely on the strength of an advertisement. We invite you to contact the Lento Law Firm directly to inquire about our specific qualifications and experience. Communicating with the Lento Law Firm by email, phone, or fax does not create an attorney-client relationship. The Lento Law Firm will serve as your official legal counsel upon a formal agreement from both parties. Any information sent to the Lento Law Firm before an attorney-client relationship is made is done on a non-confidential basis.
