Northern Virginia Community College System Misconduct Charges

Value of a Northern Virginia Community College Degree

Northern Virginia Community College, among the nation's largest community college systems, boasts a world-class education at an affordable price. Enrolling upwards of 80,000 students supported by about 3,400 faculty and staff members, Northern Virginia Community College supplies the dynamic Northern Virginia area with abundant graduate talent. You doubtless enrolled at Northern Virginia Community College with goals in mind to put your own talent to work for yourself, your family, and your community in a profitable and beneficial manner. Community college education can be a wise investment at its generally lower cost, assuming that the student perseveres to graduation. And perseverance graduation may take. Many Northern Virginia Community College students know that the school is their best hope for improving their lives and their family's prospects, without the liberty to leave the area for a four-year school. Access to education can be Northern Virginia Community College's greatest value. But once again, the community college must persevere and overcome all obstacles to realize that substantial value.

Impacts of Northern Virginia Community College Discipline

Misconduct charges at Northern Virginia Community College can, if not handled properly, destroy that educational value. Let's face it: misconduct charges often threaten dismissal and thus the student's investment and enrollment. In short, misconduct accusations at Northern Virginia Community College can cost you everything for which you've worked. Sure, your NOVA education can open doors for you, teach you new skills, and win you a new job and career with all the attendant rewards. But when school discipline leads to suspension and dismissal, those same doors you expected your NOVA education to open may remain forever closed to you. That's especially true if attending a local NOVA system campus was your only practical educational option. Some students may wrongly assume that disciplinary charges at a community college don't mean much because you can always attend another school. But those options to move to another school or even to gain admission to another school after NOVA kicks you out may not exist. Disciplinary charges at a community college can mean more, not just less, than charges at four-year institutions.

Defending Northern Virginia Community College Charges

Fortunately, you have help available to you to defend and defeat Northern Virginia Community College's disciplinary charges. You can successfully face and overcome disciplinary charges at a NOVA system campus. You just need to retain the skilled and experienced school misconduct defense advisor who can win you the best possible outcome. Just because your NOVA campus has charged you with discipline doesn't mean that discipline must result. NOVA's accusations may be false or exaggerated, or you may have other circumstances that should exonerate you or mitigate and eliminate any penalty. You may just need tutoring, mentoring, counseling, or different coursework or instruction. NOVA, like other community colleges, has an obligation to provide students with reasonable academic support services. Sometimes, defending and defeating misconduct charges involves reminding the college of its obligations while assuring the college that the accused student can meet the school's standards toward graduation. Retain national school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento and the Lento Law Firm's student defense team to beat your Northern Virginia Community College disciplinary charges.

Northern Virginia Community College's System

Northern Virginia Community College is actually a network or system of campuses and online learning programs with centralized administrative offices. The Northern Virginia Community College System's six campuses serve students who have substantial other work and family obligations and lack the time and freedom to travel to anything other than a local campus. NOVA's six campuses at Alexandria, Annandale, Loudoun, Manassas, Springfield, and Woodbridge, along with the Reston Educational Center and NOVA Online, bring higher education to the local level in a great variety of programs. NOVA's most popular degrees include accounting, art studies, biological and physical sciences, business administration and management, computer and information sciences and systems, security auditing, criminal justice and law enforcement administration, dental hygienist, communications, information technology, interior design, occupational and physical therapy, nursing, and animal health.

Northern Virginia Community College Governance

An eleven-member board of directors governs the Northern Virginia Community College System. The System's board adopts policies to govern the System's six campuses and two learning centers. The board's general policies include regulations on alcohol, drugs, tobacco use and vaping, weapons, sexual misconduct, and other student behavioral matters. The board's academic policies include the system-wide Academic Integrity Policy. A college president acts as NOVA's chief executive officer over the System's six campuses and two learning centers. The president serves on national and regional committees like the American Council on Education, the American Association of Community Colleges, and the Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity, but these organizations are advisory only. They do not accredit or regulate the NOVA System. A fifteen-member Administrative Council, including single provosts over each of the System's six campuses, helps the System president implement measures. Academic deans administer the system-wide Academic Integrity Policy at each campus. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia coordinates state resources for NOVA and the state's other colleges and universities but has no regulatory authority over NOVA. But pay close attention to the NOVA System board policies regulating student conduct. Those policies govern your NOVA System campus.

NOVA Behavioral Misconduct Policies

The Northern Virginia Community College System compiles student policies into a single Student Code of Conduct that it publishes on its website. NOVA's Student Code of Conduct establishes behavioral standards with which all NOVA students, no matter their campus, must comply. Violating those behavioral standards with things like alcohol or drug abuse, weapons possession, tobacco use including vaping, or acts of physical or sexual violence can result in disciplinary charges and sanctions up to suspension and dismissal. NOVA's behavioral standards, though, go well beyond criminal misconduct or endangering behavior. NOVA's behavioral standards include many less serious acts that nonetheless disrupt or threaten to disrupt the educational environment. The NOVA Student Code of Conduct prohibits the following acts, among other common or uncommon student misconduct:

  • Furnishing false information to any NOVA official, faculty member, or office
  • Falsifying NOVA documents, including lying or other deception
  • Alteration or misuse of NOVA documents or identification
  • Violations of positions of trust or authority within the community
  • Misuse or unauthorized use of the NOVA name or graphics
  • Stealing or possessing stolen property
  • Selling or attempting to sell textbooks or other personal property without owner permission
  • Stealing items belonging to NOVA
  • Violating NOVA's online security policy
  • Unruly, disrespectful, or disruptive behavior
  • Obstructing the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic
  • Participating in or inciting a riot, disorderly assembly, or demonstration
  • Damage to or littering on NOVA grounds or properties, including graffiti and vehicle defacement
  • Possession of firearms, explosives, and other weapons
  • Smoking, vaping, or hookah in or near any NOVA building
  • Unauthorized use of electronic devices in the academic setting
  • Unauthorized entry into any college building or facility
  • Speech or behavior threatening or endangering health or safety
  • Fighting, verbal abuse, or bullying
  • Contributing to an intimidating or hostile environment
  • Discriminatory harassment depriving educational access
  • Stalking or cyberstalking, defined as repetitive, menacing pursuit
  • Hazing is the practice of rituals involving harassment, abuse, or humiliation as a way of initiating a person into a group
  • Sexual misconduct, including but not limited to sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual conduct, or sexual exploitation
  • Lewd or obscene conduct
  • Dating or domestic violence
  • Gambling including raffles
  • Unlawful possession of alcohol or controlled substances

NOVA System Behavioral Misconduct Procedures

The Northern Virginia Community College System's Student Code of Conduct includes not only behavioral misconduct prohibitions but also procedures to determine and sanction behavioral misconduct. Procedures can be an accused student's friend, if the student wisely retains skilled and experienced school discipline defense representation to strategically invoke those procedures. NOVA's behavioral misconduct procedures provide the sort of due process protections that ensure the student and student's advisor representative know the nature and scope of the charges and have a fair opportunity to contest the charges at a hearing. NOVA's published procedures include:

  • Notice to the student of the behavioral misconduct allegations
  • Explanation to the student of the misconduct process
  • Accommodation of any student disability in the misconduct process
  • Informal hearing at which the student may accept responsibility and face sanctions
  • Formal hearing whenever the student disputes the charges
  • The burden of proof on the complainant at the formal hearing
  • At five days advance notice of the formal hearing to prepare
  • The opportunity to call witnesses to defend the charges
  • The opportunity to question adverse witnesses
  • The right to have an outside defense advisor at the formal hearing
  • The right to an impartial and trained panel of hearing decision-makers
  • The right to appeal any adverse findings and sanctions

NOVA Behavioral Misconduct Sanctions

Adverse findings that you committed behavioral misconduct can spoil an otherwise clean school record. But the accompanying sanctions can be just as important or more important. Just because your NOVA campus finds you committed behavioral misconduct does not mean that you will suffer severe sanctions. Indeed, the above behavioral misconduct procedures include that your NOVA campus must let you present witnesses and explanations to mitigate any sanction. That said, NOVA's Student Code of Conduct lists both administrative sanctions and educational sanctions for behavioral misconduct. Your NOVA campus may impose educational sanctions, including an apology letter, community service, service-learning experience, counseling, reflection paper, research paper, book review, and restitution. NOVA's administrative sanctions for behavioral misconduct can include disciplinary warning, disciplinary probation, deferred suspension, suspension, or expulsion. Clearly, sanctions for behavioral misconduct at your NOVA campus can be severe. Retain national school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento to ensure that you successfully defend and defeat disciplinary charges and avoid any sanction, especially one that spoils your NOVA education.

NOVA Academic Misconduct

While behavioral misconduct is an obvious concern at the Northern Virginia Community College's campuses, NOVA must also concern itself with academic misconduct. Students may incorrectly assume that academic misconduct like cheating and plagiarism are victimless wrongs. But in fact, academic misconduct undermines the integrity of the education itself to the peril of all students, instructors, and the whole institution. You can expect NOVA disciplinary officials to address academic misconduct charges with similar seriousness to behavioral misconduct charges. NOVA's system-wide Academic Integrity Policy addresses the following four forms of academic misconduct:

  • Cheating, defined as the intentional or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise, including copying or using notes, examinations, or other instructional material during examinations, tests, or quizzes, using another person to write a paper or any part of a paper without indicating the person's contribution, obtaining unauthorized copies of an examination or any written work to be graded, or receiving unauthorized information regarding examinations, submitting another's assignment as one's own, having an examination taken or other graded assignment completed by someone else, altering or falsifying examination results, and writing an exam answer outside class and submitting that answer as part of an in-class exam
  • Facilitating academic dishonesty, defined as the intentional or knowing attempt to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty, including completing an examination or other graded assignment for someone else, permitting another student to copy one's work during an examination, test, or quiz, permitting another student to copy one's written work whenever the work is to receive a grade, collaborating with others to complete course assignments when collaboration is not permitted, giving test questions or answers to others, selling or purchasing examinations, papers, or other assignments, posting materials from a publisher without their express written permission, and posting answers to tests, quizzes, or other assessments
  • Plagiarism, defined as presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source without properly citing the source of the material, including duplicating an author's work without quotation marks and citation, duplicating an author's words or phrases or ideas with a citation but without quotation marks, using an author's ideas in paraphrase without citation, and submitting an essay or written work to be graded in which exact words are merely rearranged without quotation marks
  • Other academic dishonesty, including submitting or resubmitting the same paper for two different classes or courses without the approval of the faculty members teaching those classes or courses, and intentional unauthorized falsification or invention of any information, data, or citation in an academic exercise

NOVA Academic Misconduct Procedures

The Northern Virginia Community College System board not only adopted the above Academic Integrity Policy but also adopted procedures for NOVA campuses to follow to determine academic misconduct charges. Fortunately, NOVA's procedures guarantee an accused student due process. The instructor making the misconduct charge must meet with the student to hear the student's explanation. The instructor may then decide whether misconduct occurred and, if so, impose an appropriate sanction. But a student who disagrees with the outcome may appeal the instructor's decision to the campus's academic dean. The dean must review all documents relating to the violation and decide within five business days, notifying the student by email. The student may take a second appeal to the campus provost, whose decision is final. If you face academic misconduct charges at your NOVA campus, and the instructor or campus dean has imposed a serious sanction of suspension or dismissal, retain national school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento to help you appeal the decision.

NOVA Academic Misconduct Sanctions

The Northern Virginia Community College System board's academic misconduct procedures also set forth the sanctions your NOVA campus may impose if it finds that you committed academic misconduct. Minor violations involving the accused student's error in judgment, like minor copying without quotation or attribution, or glancing at another's exam, warrant only an instructor correction of the student or perhaps an incomplete or failing grade on the involved assignment. Moderate violations involving unpremeditated dishonest acts affecting only the involved student warrant only an incomplete or failing grade for the assignment or course. Major violations involving premeditated dishonest acts like posing as another student to take that student's exam warrant an incomplete or failing grade for the course and referral to the academic dean for further possible sanctions. Your NOVA campus's disciplinary officials may also impose educational sanctions like counseling, reflection paper, community service, ethics seminar, research paper review of relevant articles, restitution, policy review paper, key staff interview, or behavior agreement.

Representation in NOVA Misconduct Hearings

When you receive notice of misconduct charges at your NOVA campus, disciplinary officials should communicate with you about the course of misconduct proceedings. Those communications may include their assurance that you do not need outside defense advisor representation. Be cautious about such assurances. Your NOVA campus's disciplinary officials have natural conflicts of interest. They work for the school, not you. Because of their relationships within the school and commitment to the school's interests, they naturally favor the school and its departments, professors, and staff when evaluating and pursuing disciplinary charges. Instead, retain skilled and experienced outside defense advisor representation for any misconduct proceeding that could result in your failing a course, losing academic credit, or suffering suspension or expulsion. When you retain national school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento, you gain access to the following winning defense services:

  • Evaluating and timely answering the disciplinary charges to avoid default and automatic sanctions
  • Timely invoking the school's investigation, interview, resolution conference, and formal hearing procedures so that the school doesn't short-circuit those procedures
  • Promptly and diplomatically communicating and negotiating with your campus's disciplinary officials and other central school officials
  • Effective assistance identifying, acquiring, organizing, and presenting evidence to exonerate you from the charges and mitigate any sanctions
  • Direct examination questions for your witnesses and cross-examination questions for adverse witnesses at the formal hearing
  • Advisor attendance at hearings and conferences as permitted, to guide and advise you for the best course of those proceedings
  • Evaluating and appealing any adverse decisions imposing sanctions, to correct errors in the findings and results
  • Properly documenting within the school's records the dismissal of all charges and other favorable resolutions so that you have a clear record

Early Resolution of NOVA System Misconduct Charges

Invoking your NOVA campus's misconduct procedures can indeed result in a winning outcome and dismissal of all charges. But in a perfect world, you don't want to have to win an elaborate, drawn-out misconduct proceeding that saps your time and energy. You'd rather have your NOVA disciplinary officials dismiss the charges. Fortunately, the above NOVA misconduct procedures provide such opportunities for early informal resolution, especially when you have skilled and experienced defense advisor representation. National school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento knows how to communicate and negotiate with college officials to gain their trust and show them how early resolution can meet the college's own interests. Of course, early dismissal favors you, the accused student. But early dismissal can also save college personnel substantial time and trouble. Advisor Lento knows the kind of assurances that college officials may accept to relieve an accused student of looming charges. Seek early informal resolution with skilled and experienced outside defense advisor representation.

NOVA System SAP Charges

NOVA students face other, more fundamental challenges than the above behavioral and academic misconduct issues. NOVA students must also meet the System's academic requirements to remain in good standing. Failing to meet NOVA's minimum academic standards could mean a warning, probation, suspension, and dismissal. Every college or university receiving federal funding in the form of student loan proceeds must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards to ensure that institutions do not waste that federal funding. The Northern Virginia Community College System satisfies this federal requirement with a board policy on academic standing. NOVA publishes for students its plain-language interpretation of the board's policy on its Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) web page. NOVA's SAP standards, like SAP standards at other schools, are relatively complex, taking account for new students, student leaves of absence, and other anomalies. But in basic form, NOVA's SAP standards require students to do each of the following:

  • Achieve at least a minimum 2.00 / 4.00 cumulative grade-point average by graduation
  • Successfully complete with a passing grade at least two-thirds (67%) of course credits attempted
  • Complete the degree program within 150% of attempted credits for the degree (for example, ninety hours for a sixty-hour associate's degree program)

NOVA System SAP Appeals

Nearly any student can face challenges meeting NOVA's minimum academic standards when circumstances beyond the student's control intervene. A serious illness or injury, military call-up, separation or divorce, pregnancy and child-rearing, or death or serious illness of a close family member are examples of the kinds of things that can cause a NOVA student to fall below the college's minimum SAP standards. NOVA, though, like other colleges and universities, permits a student who faces SAP dismissal to appeal and obtain a waiver of those minimum requirements long enough for the student to recover and regain satisfactory academic progress in good standing. The student must demonstrate “extenuating circumstances” justifying the waiver while properly documenting those circumstances for NOVA's federal audit purposes. NOVA's Satisfactory Academic Progress web page details the technical requirements for a successful SAP appeal. Those requirements include:

  • Complete NOVA's SAP appeal form
  • Write a personal statement of the extenuating circumstances causing failure
  • Provide supporting documentation such as a death certificate, medical records, military records, court records, and other reliable proof
  • Include in the personal statement how those circumstances have changed to enable your academic recovery
  • Include a practical and achievable recovery plan
  • Schedule an SAP appeal review appointment

Representation for NOVA System SAP Appeals

You should be able to see from the above description that a winning satisfactory academic progress appeal isn't as simple as handwriting a letter to the school. Your appeal must instead state in compelling terms and document in a reliable manner the special circumstances for relief while also articulating a thoughtful recovery plan that convinces NOVA's SAP appeal team that you can regain good academic standing. Students who lose good academic standing often do not know what a sound recovery plan looks like. Nor do they necessarily have the time and skills to write and document a compelling submission on their extenuating circumstances. Retain national school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento and the Lento Law Firm's student defense team for your NOVA SAP appeal. Advisor Lento has the substantial skill and experience to know how to present a winning plan and appeal.

Using NOVA Campus Resources

You can see from the above discussion that NOVA campuses follow central administrative policies regarding student misconduct and academic standing issues. But local campus officials implement those policies. Your relationship with those local campus officials and your respect for local campus support staff and resources can influence how disciplinary officials view your issue. By all means, retain outside defense advisor representation to help you win your misconduct proceeding or academic standing appeal. But at the same time, avail yourself of your NOVA campus's support services. Depending on your NOVA campus and individual need, you may benefit from:

NOVA System Discipline Outcomes

As the prior section suggests, you likely have help available to you to overcome the challenges you face at your NOVA campus. Above all, don't ignore misconduct charges or academic standing warnings. Treat your NOVA campus matters responsibly. Just because you face misconduct charges or academic standing issues doesn't mean you can't overcome them. Students regularly do succeed when they get the help they need. Misconduct charges don't mean that you are responsible for wrongdoing. Your NOVA campus disciplinary officials may just need your information, explanation, and documentation, hearing your side of the story. Your outcome most likely depends on the steps you take to handle your matter properly. And that doesn't mean handling your matter alone. On the contrary, wise students realize when they are in over their heads and get the help they need to regain their footing. Make a good first move. Retain national school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento to help you recover and proceed toward your NOVA degree in good standing. Each case is different. Your circumstances are unique to you. Let advisor Lento and the Lento Law Firm's student defense team show NOVA disciplinary officials that you can get back on the right path toward graduation.

NOVA System Title IX Sexual Misconduct Charges

The Northern Virginia Community College System has one additional set of policies and concerns that can create significant misconduct issues for students. Schools receiving federal funding in the form of student loan proceeds must implement Title IX sexual misconduct policies to retain that funding. Your NOVA System campus may charge you with sexual misconduct under the college's Title IX policy. Take any such charge most seriously. NOVA disciplinary officials will certainly do so, with federal funding, student safety, and college reputation on the line. Retain national school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento to defend you against NOVA System Title IX charges. Preserve your NOVA education and your academic record and reputation against this most serious form of misconduct allegation. NOVA's Title IX policy prohibits the following forms of Title IX sexual misconduct, as federal Title IX law and regulations require:

  • Sexual assault including not just rape but also touching private body parts of a non-consenting, underage, or mentally incapacitated person for sexual gratification, incest between persons related to one another within degrees that marriage laws prohibit, and statutory rape with a person under Virginia's lawful age of consent
  • Dating violence involving an accuser and accused who are dating, have dated, or have had a sexual relationship, including intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict injury on the victim or placing the victim in fear of injury, physical restraint, or malicious damage to personal property
  • Domestic violence involving either the victim's current or former spouse or intimate partner, a person with whom the victim shares a child, a person who is cohabiting or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, or a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim
  • Sexual harassment of the quid-pro-quo form conditioning an educational benefit or service on participation in unwelcome sexual conduct or of the hostile environment form of unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that a reasonable person would consider severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive enough as to deny the victim equal access to education
  • Stalking involving a course of conduct toward the victim that would cause a reasonable person to fear for safety or suffer substantial emotional distress while also involving two or more acts in which the perpetrator follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates with or about the victim or interferes with the victim's property

NOVA System Non-Title IX Sexual Misconduct

The Northern Virginia Community College System, like many other colleges and universities, adds other non-Title IX forms of sexual misconduct to its list of prohibitions. Your NOVA campus can charge you with sexual misconduct of other forms than those listed above and prohibited by Title IX. Those non-Title IX forms of sexual misconduct that could lead to NOVA disciplinary charges include several forms of sexual exploitation. NOVA's policy on sexual misconduct defines sexual exploitation as “when a person takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for his/her own advantage or benefit, or to benefit or advantage anyone other than the one being exploited….” NOVA's policy gives as examples of sexual exploitation “prostituting another person; non-consensual video or audio-taping of otherwise consensual sexual activity; going beyond the boundaries of consent (such as letting your friends hide in the closet to watch you having consensual sex), and knowingly transmitting HIV or an STD to another.” These alternative forms of sexual misconduct, outside of Title IX, can constitute equally serious charges. Treat those charges most seriously by retaining skilled and experienced outside defense advisor representation.

NOVA System Sexual Misconduct Procedures

To meet Title IX regulations, NOVA's policy on sexual misconduct provides for separate procedures to resolve Title IX and other sexual misconduct charges. Reports of sexual misconduct go to NOVA's Title IX coordinator, who may impose interim protective measures, including barring the accused student from campus. NOVA Title IX procedures require the coordinator to “provide a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation, and resolution of alleged violations” of the sexual misconduct policy. The coordinator may resolve complaints either informally with the agreement of all parties or formally when parties dispute the allegations or any sanctions. For formal proceedings, the coordinator must notify the accused student in writing of the details of the allegations. The coordinator meets separately with both the accuser and accused to determine whether the school has credible evidence of a Title IX violation. If so, the coordinator appoints an investigator to interview witnesses, gather documentary evidence, and write an investigation report. The accused student has the right to review the investigator's evidence and comment on the investigator's report. Disputed formal charges then proceed to hearing.

NOVA System Title IX Hearings

Title IX formal hearings at your NOVA campus meet the federal requirements for due process. Title IX formal hearings are significantly more elaborate than most other college and university misconduct hearings, approaching a trial-like proceeding. Don't attempt to navigate Title IX formal hearing procedures without qualified representation. NOVA's Title IX procedures give your retained defense advisor substantial opportunity to turn back the tide of sexual misconduct charges and make a winning presentation. NOVA's policy on sexual misconduct guarantees the accused student the following important procedural rights:

  • An impartial and trained hearing officer to conduct the hearing according to the school's protective procedures
  • Substantial advance notice of the time, place, and date of the hearing to enable adequate preparation
  • The right to attend the hearing with an advisor of the accused student's choice
  • The right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses at the hearing using the advisor's skilled assistance
  • The right to present witnesses and other evidence in defense of the charges
  • The right to a detailed written decision on all charges stating the facts and grounds for any adverse findings and the basis for any sanctions
  • The right to appeal an adverse decision to an impartial and trained appeal officer

NOVA System Alternative Special Relief

Misconduct charges can unnerve even a mature and accomplished NOVA student. NOVA disciplinary officials, like disciplinary officials at other schools, can make erroneous findings or reach accurate findings while imposing unduly harsh, unhelpful, and unnecessary discipline. If you have already exhausted your NOVA campus's misconduct procedures and now face suspension or expulsion, then don't give up all hope. Retain national school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento to explore alternative special relief through NOVA's general counsel office, with retained outside counsel, or through other NOVA oversight channels. Colleges and universities like the Northern Virginia Community College System employ officials to ensure that the school complies with federal and state regulations while avoiding undue civil liability. Those oversight officials help the school manage and reduce litigation and regulatory risks. Having successfully represented hundreds of students nationwide on misconduct charges, advisor Lento has a network of relationships and a premier reputation that can gain him the trust and confidence of school oversight officials. Advisor Lento may be able to negotiate special relief for you even after your NOVA campus has imposed severe discipline. Don't give up without ensuring that you have pursued every option. Your NOVA education is worth preserving for your future.

Defense Services for Northern Virginia Community College

Premier school discipline defense advisor Joseph D. Lento and the Lento Law Firm's student defense team are available at Northern Virginia Community College for your winning defense representation. Advisor Lento has successfully defended hundreds of students nationwide against all kinds of misconduct charges. He has the refined skills and abundant experience you need to obtain the best possible outcome in your NOVA disciplinary matter. Don't gamble your NOVA education and future on the services of unqualified local criminal defense counsel. School disciplinary proceedings aren't like criminal court proceedings. The wrong representation can make your matter worse, not better. You need qualified representation, an advisor who knows the law, customs, conventions, expectations, and creative options for your winning outcome. Let advisor Lento and the Lento Law Firm's student defense team help you get on with your NOVA education and with your life. Call 888-535-3686 for a consultation now, or use the online service.

Contact Us Today!

If you, or your student, are facing any kind of disciplinary action, or other negative academic sanction, and are having feelings of uncertainty and anxiety for what the future may hold, contact the Lento Law Firm today, and let us help secure your academic career.

This website was created only for general information purposes. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice for any situation. Only a direct consultation with a licensed Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York attorney can provide you with formal legal counsel based on the unique details surrounding your situation. The pages on this website may contain links and contact information for third party organizations - the Lento Law Firm does not necessarily endorse these organizations nor the materials contained on their website. In Pennsylvania, Attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout Pennsylvania's 67 counties, including, but not limited to Philadelphia, Allegheny, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Schuylkill, and York County. In New Jersey, attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout New Jersey's 21 counties: Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren County, In New York, Attorney Joseph D. Lento represents clients throughout New York's 62 counties. Outside of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, unless attorney Joseph D. Lento is admitted pro hac vice if needed, his assistance may not constitute legal advice or the practice of law. The decision to hire an attorney in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania counties, New Jersey, New York, or nationwide should not be made solely on the strength of an advertisement. We invite you to contact the Lento Law Firm directly to inquire about our specific qualifications and experience. Communicating with the Lento Law Firm by email, phone, or fax does not create an attorney-client relationship. The Lento Law Firm will serve as your official legal counsel upon a formal agreement from both parties. Any information sent to the Lento Law Firm before an attorney-client relationship is made is done on a non-confidential basis.
